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Setup Checklist

Do these things in order and setup with Lodgix will be a breeze

Brent Kleinheksel avatar
Written by Brent Kleinheksel
Updated over a week ago

Lodgix supports iOS devices running Apple iOS version 12.4.8 or later.

Step 1 - Import / Add Properties to Lodgix

If your properties are currently listed on Airbnb those listings can be imported into Lodgix. If the properties are not currently listed on Airbnb they must be added to your Lodgix account manually.

Step 2 - Setup Deposits, Fees, Services, and Taxes

Taxes, fees, etc are not included in the import from Airbnb. They must be manually configured in Lodgix and assigned to your properties

Step 3 - Review Property Listings in Lodgix

At this point, it's important to note, the importing of properties, reservations, etc. is just a time saving tool we offer to help get setup quickly. It's not an exact science. These tools are provided by Airbnb, but they are not meant to be all inclusive. They will get you 80% of the way, however the remaining 20% will require that you review each property for accuracy. Rates, rules, and amenities in particular are not always accurately imported into Lodgix. You will want to double check the rate setup for each property.

Step 4 - Import Existing Reservations

Airbnb reservations can be imported by integrating your properties in Lodgix with the corresponding listings in Airbnb. The reservations will be created in Lodgix based on the rates, taxes and fees that are configured in the system, NOT based on what the guest actually paid at Airbnb at the time of booking. For this reason, you will likely have to review and modify your imported reservations to check for accuracy.

Reservations can be imported from other sources by syncing your calendars via iCal, then converting the resulting blocks to reservations.

It might also be good once you reach this point to schedule 30 minutes of free training with us. It's super simple and you can sign up here:

We will review what you've done so far as well as the next steps of your setup to keep you on track!

Step 5 - Lodgix Account Settings

Configure all pertinent info and settings on the Account Profile, Billing Profile, and Important Settings screens.

Step 6 - Setup your Merchant Processor

Choose and configure your payment gateway. Lodgix integrates with either or

Step 7 - Setup your Rental Agreement

Configure your rental agreement in the system and optionally require digital signatures.

Step 8 - Test Booking

Test making an online booking and processing a small guest charge.

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