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Importing Properties from Airbnb

How to create properties in Lodgix from Airbnb

Brent Kleinheksel avatar
Written by Brent Kleinheksel
Updated over a week ago

Properties can be imported from existing Airbnb listings in just a few clicks. Note that the Airbnb import tool will get you about 90% of the way, but you will still have to review the listings in Lodgix for accuracy. Specifically rates, rules, and bed configurations.

Importing properties is a one time copy and paste of the Airbnb data into Lodgix. It is not the same as integrating. There will be no ongoing sync or connection between the Airbnb and Lodgix listings. Any changes made to the Lodgix listing after importing will not be reflected on Airbnb. You can create a sync between Lodgix and Airbnb by Integrating to Airbnb via the API.

IMPORTANT - Existing reservations will not be imported. The import will only include property listing data and reviews. Your reservations will be imported when you integrate to the Airbnb API.

How to Import from Airbnb

You can import from Airbnb from the "Add Properties" button on the Properties > List All Properties page, or via Properties > Add a Property.

Select "Import from Airbnb"

Click the "Connect with Airbnb" button and you will be prompted to login to your Airbnb account.

Select the Properties You Want to Import

You will see a list of your Airbnb listings...

If the Airbnb listing has not been imported into Lodgix yet, there will be a "-" under the Lodgix Property column.  Once imported into Lodgix,  Lodgix will grab the Airbnb property title and create a property using that title.

View the Imported Properties on Lodgix

The Airbnb icon will be displayed next to any properties imported from Airbnb.  

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