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Testing the setup of your payment gateway
Testing the setup of your payment gateway

Make sure that the gateway is setup correctly before invoicing a guest.

Brent Kleinheksel avatar
Written by Brent Kleinheksel
Updated over a week ago

Testing the setup of your payment gateway

Once your payment gateway has been setup within Lodgix, you will want to test that the gateway is functioning correctly.

Test the credit card storage component using your credit card

Create a test reservation manually (not using the online booking calendar). Go to the guest control panel for the guest, click on the Billing tab and enter your credit card information. Press Save. If an error message is generated either your gateway credentials are incorrect or you did not add the Secure Vault component to your gateway.

If you are using, their secure vault is called the "Customer Information Manager". All other gateways have the vault included with their default configuration.

Process a payment using the credit card stored in the previous step

Click on "Process Payment" and select a small amount for the charge. You can enter a custom amount, we recommend simply processing a charge for $1.

Click on "Process Payment" and the charge will be immediately processed. If an error is returned then there is a problem with your gateway setup. If no error is returned, the payment will show up under the "Payments" area and the logo of the payment processor will be displayed.

DON'T FORGET TO LOGIN TO YOUR GATEWAY AND VOID / REFUND THE CHARGE! The payment gateway will usually batch transactions and settle them all at the end of the day. Transactions can be voided before batching occurs. The batch time is a setting within your payment gateway. Voids are very easy. Refunds are easy as well, but a little more work than a simple void.

If all the steps are completed with no errors then your gateway is functioning correctly.

Occasionally, you will process a transaction and the gateway will timeout without returning a response to Lodgix. This just means that the communication was interrupted for one reason or another. DON'T PROCESS THE GUEST'S CREDIT CARD AGAIN! Follow the instructions and log in to your gateway. View all of the unsettled or batched transactions. If you see your transaction in the list with the status showing successful, then the processing of the card was successful, but communicating the approval to Lodgix failed. Simply log in to Lodgix and record the payment manually so the invoice reflects the payment.

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