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Sync Calendars Using iCal

Overview of importing and exporting iCal (calendar data) into and from Lodgix

Brent Kleinheksel avatar
Written by Brent Kleinheksel
Updated over 5 years ago

Most channels use the iCalendar format for exporting and importing calendar data. iCalendar data is limited but it allows Lodgix to act as a central hub for your availability calendar. Once a Lodgix ical export url has been added to a channel, a reservation created on Lodgix will block the calendar on that channel, and a reservation created on that channel will block the dates on your Lodgix calendar (requires cutting and pasting the ical provied by the channel into Lodgix under iCal import url).

Setting Up an iCal Sync

Let's review the components of the Lodgix iCalendar interface:

  1. iCal Export URL - This URL would be entered into listing sites that accept iCal imports. This URL will contain basic Lodgix availability data to block dates, assuring that double bookings cannot occur on the listing site.

  2. iCal Import URL - Lodgix supports multiple iCal import URLs. You will obtain this import url from the listing site you wish to sync with. Site specific instructions can be found below.

  3. Auto Import - The auto import features allows Lodgix to automatically poll the iCal import URL. Lodgix will poll the import URL every 60 minutes to see if there are any changes in availability. If set to OFF, the import is a manual process.

  4. Manual sync - property - To force a manual import of any new or changed calendar data, the sync button can be used.

  5. Manual sync - all properties - To force a manual import of any new or changed calendar data for all properties, the Import iCal - All Sources button can be used.

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