What is a Trigger?How to automatically send emails and SMS messages to guests, team members and owners
Trigger Conditions - "Send Trigger When"Set the event conditions that will fire the trigger
Trigger Conditions - "Only Send Trigger If"Set supporting conditions for your triggers
Apply Triggers to Specific PropertiesInclude or Exclude specific properties from your triggers
Apply Triggers to Specific ChannelsInclude or Exclude specific channels from your triggers
Choose Trigger RecipientsSelect recipients for your triggers
Sending an Email TriggerTrigger an email message to your recipients
Sending an SMS Message TriggerTrigger an SMS message to your recipients.
Manage Triggers Per InvoiceManually send, resend or disable triggers per invoice.
Push NotificationsDocumentation on Push Notifications in Lodgix.com and Lodgix Admin App
How do I setup Twilio to integrate with Lodgix?Instructions on how to setup a Twilio account to send sms to your guests via Lodgix