Amenities can be managed in bulk across all properties using the Amenity Manager. This interface is located under Settings > Policies and Amenities > Amenities
Amenity Manager Interface
Filters: Display only specific properties, amenities, or amenity categories.
Amenity Name: Displays the name of the amenity, and channels that display the amenity.
Set the amenity to display for all properties
Set amenities on a property by property basis
Amenity Metadata Interface
The Amenity Metadata interface can be used to add additional details about certain amenities. These details are passed to the channels that display the amenities.
For example, instead of simply passing a "Television" amenity, you can specify that the television has a 60" screen and can access Netflix.
This interface can be accessed from Settings > Policies and Amenities > Amenity Metadata
Add Metadata for a new amenity
List of all amenities with Metadata
Assign the amenity metadata to specific properties
Add / Edit Metadata Interface
Select the Amenity, then complete the different Metadata options for that amenity. Each amenity will have a different set of options.