Additional reporting options can be found here...
Current Guests Report
Generate a list of all guests currently staying at your properties.
Choose a date for which to run the report
Show or Hide guests that are checking out on that date
Export the list to Excel or PDF. Exporting to Excel is useful if you need to import this list to a mass mailing application such as MailChimp
Choose between a landscape or portrait orientation
Channel Commissions Report
Commissions charged for reservations originating from the channels (Airbnb, VRBO, etc.) The report shows commissions charged to the owner by you, and to you by Lodgix.
Select a date range for the report
Choose to run based on invoice start date or invoice end date
Export to Excel, Export to PDF, change the orientation, or bookmark the report
Total rental charges for the invoice
Fees charged to you by Lodgix
Channel commission percentage that you have set to pass to the owner
Total channel commission charged to the owner
Invoice Changes Report
The Invoice Changes report will show all modifications that have been made to invoices within the specified reporting range. This includes changing arrival/departure dates and moving guests between properties. The report will show a timestamp, user, and IP address from when each change was made.
Select a date range for the report
Export to Excel, Export to PDF, change the orientation, or bookmark the report
Invoice Operations Report
The Invoice Operations Report will show all Invoice Cancellations, Block Creations, and Block Deletions from the specified reporting range. The report will show a timestamp, user, and IP address from when each change was made.
Select a date range for the report
Choose specific properties to include in the report (default is ALL)
Export to Excel, Export to PDF, change the orientation, or bookmark the report
Referral Report
The Referral report will show the source of all bookings and total them by referrer, booking method, booking survey answers and inquiry source.
Select a date range for the report
Filter by Arrival Date or Entered Date
Choose specific referrers to include in the report
Show or hide reservations that have been cancelled
Export to Excel, Export to PDF, change the orientation, or bookmark the report
The report will also include a list of all reservations from the selected date range...
Booking Method and Referrer - For channel bookings, the booking method and referrer will be the same. For direct bookings the booking method can be online or manual, and the referrer can be your booking page (for example when a guest is directed there from a quote) or any WordPress website you have configured in Lodgix.
Booking Lead Time - This is how far in advance the reservation was booked
Inquiry Source and Booking Survey - For reservations that originated as an inquiry, the inquiry source will be included here. If the guest answers the booking survey that answer is displayed here.
Invoice number and information - status, property, and rental charges.
Trigger Log Report
The Triggers Log Report displays a record of all triggers that have fired for the selected date range.
Select a date range for the report
Export to Excel, Export to PDF, change the orientation, or bookmark the report
Timestamp from when the trigger was sent
ID of the trigger that fired
SMS - There will be an X in this column if one of the trigger actions was to send an SMS message
Title of the trigger
Invoice number for which the trigger fired
Property for which the trigger fired
Recipients email address or phone number (for SMS)
10. Recipient(s) Name - Names of all users to which the trigger was sent.
11. Details - Success or error messages associated with the trigger
12. Manual - Notes if the trigger was fired manually, and if so, the Sender
Lockout Audit
The Lockout Audit will show any conflicts that arise from your lockout configurations. Note that the lockouts themselves will not be displayed here, just conflicts that have prevented a block from being added to the calendar.
Export to Excel, Export to PDF, or change the orientation.
Information about the lockout that was not able to be added to the calendar.
Information about the reservation or block that prevented the lockout block.
Door Codes Log
The Door Codes Log will provide a list of all lock codes that were generated for your account during the selected date range.
Select a date range for the report
Export to Excel, Export to PDF, change the orientation, or bookmark the report
Reservation Number and Property Name
Lock - The name of the lock that is assigned to the property.
Guest Name and Guest Email Address
Access Code - This is the door lock code
Start and End times that the access code will work
Creation date for the code and date that the code was last updated
Guest Generated Quotes Report
Lodgix provides the ability for a guest to email a quote to a friend (or themselves) from the booking calendars. The recipient can then book online directly from the quote. The Guest Generated Quotes report will provide a list of all such quotes that have been generated in the system.
Select a date range for the report
Filter the report based on Entered Date, or Arrival Date
Export to Excel, Export to PDF, change the orientation, or bookmark the report
Information about the quote recipient (name and email)
Name of the individual that sent the quote
Property that was quoted
Date range of the quote
Link to view the full quote
IP address from which the quote was sent
Guest Verification Report
This report will show a list of all guest verification attempts, including the timestamp of the attempt, the result, and the cost.
Select a date range for the report
The report can be run for All Attempts, only Successful Attempts, or only Failed Attempts
Timestamp that the verification was processed
Status of the verification
Guest information (email, name)
Invoice number for which the verification was processed
Reason - This column will display a reason for any failed attempts
Cost of the verification attempt