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Locked Attributes at Airbnb

Review this if some parts of your Airbnb listing are not being updated through the API

Joseph Alvaro avatar
Written by Joseph Alvaro
Updated over 2 months ago

By default, all content in your Airbnb listing is managed at Lodgix and passed to Airbnb via the API. However in some situations you may notice that updated content in Lodgix is not updating in the listing at Airbnb. This is typically because you have edited that attribute directly at Airbnb and it is now "locked."

Airbnb has implemented a "locking mechanism" where attributes that are edited directly at Airbnb become locked from API updates. Here is Airbnb's documentation on the issue...

To summarize these changes: once a Host updates a listing on Airbnb, the updated attribute is locked from API updates. Any attempt to update the locked attribute via API will not change the attribute's value. Instead, the API response will include a message indicating the field is locked. Hosts can unlock attributes on Airbnb. Once unlocked, the attribute can be updated via the API as usual. Note, listing pricing and availability are not affected by this locking mechanism.

Here's is help on how to unlock the attribute:

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