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Sending a Manual Signature Request

Manually send a signature request to any guest post booking

Brent Kleinheksel avatar
Written by Brent Kleinheksel
Updated over 3 weeks ago

There will be times when it's necessary to manually send or resend a digital signature request. Perhaps the guest didn't get the first email, booked through one of our channel partners, or maybe the booking was taken manually over the phone... whatever the reason, it's easy to manually send the request.

A trigger can be utilized to automatically send the signature request to invoices that don't have a signed agreement in place, or a manual signature request can be initiated, as explained below.

Sending a Request from the Guest Control Panel

  1. Navigate to the guest control panel, select the invoice you want to work with, and click on the Documents tab

  2. Click the Manual Signature Request button​

Digital Signature Request Window

The Digital Signature Request window will open once you click the Manual Signature Request button in the previous step...

  1. To: This will auto populate with the guests email address, but it can be changed

  2. Subject: Will auto populate but can be manually updated

  3. Rental Agreement: Choose from any of your documents that have been assigned a type of Rental Agreement

  4. Email Response: Select the email template that you want to use to populate the body of the email. See the end of this article for additional information.

  5. Customize the body of the email and click OK

Look for the Signature Icons

There are several places in the application where icons will be displayed, representing the status of the digital signature for that booking. The various statuses are shown below...

  1. Request has not been sent

  2. Request has been sent, but the agreement has not yet been signed

  3. The Rental Agreement has been signed for this reservation

Email Template for Requesting Digital Signatures

Lodgix comes preloaded with four customizable templates that are used when emailing guests regarding digital signatures. You cannot create your own template, you can ONLY edit the templates we provide. These templates can be found from the main navigation under Settings > Email.

Edit the "Request Digital Signature Email" template if you wish to modify the text sent to the guest when requesting a digital signature.

IMPORTANT! - Note the [DS_SIGN_LINK] merge tag that is used in this template. That tag generates a unique link to digitally sign the rental agreement. You cannot create an alternate email response template and include this merge tag, it will not populate a link. The tag can only be used in the included email template, or in a Digital Signature Request trigger. It will not work anywhere else.

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