There will be times when it's necessary to maually send or resend a digital signature request. Perhaps the guest didn't get the first email, or maybe the channel that took the booking doesn't offer rental agreement signatures online, or maybe the booking was taken manually over the phone...whatever the reason, it's easy to manually send the request.
A trigger can be utilized to automatically send the signature request to invoices that don't have a signed agreement in place, or a manual signature request can be initiated, as explained below.
Guest Control Panel > Documents Tab
To resend a digital signature request, go into the guest control panel, select the invoice which requires the digital signature and click on the Documents tab:
You will see a button to "Manual Signature Request" button (note image above).
That button will allow you to resend the digital signature request, the guest will not have to go through the booking process again, they will only be asked to sign the rental agreement since they didn't do it the first time!
Also look out for the Manual Signature Request Icon
Wherever that icon appears within Lodgix, you must click on it to send a manual digital signature request.Β
You cannot create an email response template and include the merge tag [DS_SIGN_LINK] and send the email through the normal correspondence or communication channels. The link will not be populated in the email and your guests will be confused.
Dashboard Widgets
All Dashboard reservation widgets contain icons for invoices that have completed, needed or pending digital signatures.
Guest Control Panel > Details Tab
Guest Control Panel > Documents Tab
Window for Requesting Digital Signatures
When you request a digital signature, a window will open that looks like above.
Email Template for Requesting Digital Signatures
Lodgix comes preloaded with four customizable templates that are used when emailing guests. You cannot create your own template, you can ONLY edit the templates we provide.
Edit the "Request Digital Signature Email" template if you wish to modify the text sent to the guest when requesting a digital signature.
If you create your own template and assign it to a type = Digital Signatures,and even replicate the merge tags within the system template, and then attempt to email the guest through the normal correspondence and communication windows within Lodgix, it will NOT work!