A video overview of this tutorial is available as well:
To configure the plugin within WordPress, look for the menu item "Properties" and underneath it - "Lodgix Settings"
That will open up a page with a series of menu options each offering it's own set of configuration options:
API - This is where credentials are entered for connecting to Lodgix,
MAPS - This is where the API key for Google Maps API (plugin mapping) and the map style can be set.
INQUIRY - The google captcha site, and secret key can be added here, as well as customizing the confirmation message shown to users when they submit the inquiry form..
STYLES - Misc options for altering default color scheme, as well as the default container width.
PROPERTY LIST - Many options here to control the functionality present on the page where inventory is displayed.
SEARCH BAR - Features a drag and drop interface to control what filters are most important to your guests. The search bar is present at the top of the property list page and is not related to the Rental Search Widget.
PROPERTY DETAIL - Each property has its own page containing an image gallery, marketing details, a calendar and a quoting area. A drag / drop interface allows for customization of the display to best match your guest needs.
ANALYTICS - Fields for entering a Facebook Pixel ID and viewing the Google Analytics that can be set within Lodgix.
LANGUAGE - Instructions for using the WPML plugin.