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What Languages does Plugin v2.0 Support?
What Languages does Plugin v2.0 Support?

Languages supported by the Lodgix Wordpress plugin

Brent Kleinheksel avatar
Written by Brent Kleinheksel
Updated over a week ago

The lodgix plugin supports localization for the translation of plugin specific output. The WPML plugin will need to be setup and configured within Wordpress to offer language specific pages to your guests.

There are two different sets of translations required for the plugin.

  1. property specific translations. These are translations of the data YOU enter for each property (things like descriptions, titles, captions, etc..)

  2. plugin page translations. These are translations of plugin fields (things like amenities, calendars, page fields, etc..)

Property Specific Translations

Within Lodgix, under Settings > Important Settings > Localization, at the bottom, there is an option to select which languages should be supported.

Once selected, translations may be entered within the setup area of each property by clicking on that nation's flag in the upper right corner of the screen.

Plugin Translations

Video link below illustrates the correct WPML settings within Wordpress for use with Lodgix plugin v2.0:

There are fixed items in the plugin such as menus, calendars, amenities, etc.. which Lodgix offers translations within the plugin. Additional language translations can be changed or added using ".po" and ".mo" files.

To alter (or add) a translation simply copy the ".po" files from "<lodgix plugin folder>/languages" to "wp-content/languages" and alter the file using POEdit or another po editor and then compile the ".mo" files.

Note: poedit is located here Open the .po file and when saved, the .mo file is generated. There are numerous sources of tutorials online, as most applications, desktop or online use .po, .pot and .mo files for localization. Here's a tutorial from drupal:

For German, for example, just copy p_lodgix-de_DE.po, edit it, compile it and it's ready.

Using this method you can alter the plugin to display other languages. Simply create a PO file for that and fixed strings on the plugin will be translated (menus, etc).

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