Tags can be assigned to each property within Lodgix. These can then be used to create specific sets of search results through the WordPress plugin.
Assigning Tags to a Property
Tags can be assigned to properties from the Details tab of the property edit screen. You can add multiple tags by separating them with either commas or spaces.
It's important to note that multi word tags must be enclosed in quotation marks to have a corresponding page created in WordPress for that tag. Without the quotes, there will be individual pages created for each work in the phrase. For example, for "garden city", without the quotes there would be two pages created, one for "garden" and one for "city", neither of which really have any value.
Adding Tag Groupings to Your WordPress Menus:
Tags will pass through from Lodgix to WordPress and will be available to add to any WordPress menu:
Within WordPress, navigate to Appearance > Menus
Look for the "Property Tags" heading and then select which tags you'd like to add your WordPress menu.
Enter the text that you want to display for the navigation link (if different than the tag name)
Click Add to Menu, then drag the menu item to the correct position in the menu structure
Click Save Menu
Using Tags as a Filter within the Search Bar or Rental Search Widget
Within WordPress, under Properties > Lodgix Settings > Search Bar
I've dragged the "Tags" filter into the Main area of the Search Bar. Which results in the search bar looking like this:
The name "Tags" can be changed within the plugin if the name does not suit you. Now the tags can be used as filters, selecting each tag will further filter the properties to display only properties that contain that tag.