In addition to obtaining your Customer ID & API Key, you need to enter the URL of your website using the plugin within Lodgix. This will tell the application to update your website each time a property listing is added, edited or removed.
Go to Settings > WordPress within Lodgix
WordPress Settings Interface
A video of the section below is located here:
The Lodgix Wordpress plugin can be installed on multiple sites. It is possible to market multiple properties in different locations on different websites. Follow the instructions within the Category Manager section of the user manual to get started.
Use the "+" button to add a new (or additional) website URL to Lodgix. A new tab will be created. Select that tab.
Settings. Fields for the name of the website, the website url and also the permalink for the listings page, of which the default will be "/vacation-rentals/".
Verify will reach out to your website and "verify" that the plugin is installed and communicating with Lodgix.
Regenerate: Click to recreate all of the Lodgix generated pages on your site. This is often used to manually force a website update when properties are added or modified.
Fetch Property URLs will reach out to the website and fetch the URLs for each property, which are then posted to the URL field within the property setup for each property.
Delete will delete the selected website.
Website Name: Name of the website. This is for internal use only.
Website URL: Enter the URL of your website
Property Page URL: Lodgix will create a page on your site to display all properties. This will also be used as the directory for all of your individual property pages. You can customize the name of this directory. By default, it is named /vacation-rentals/
Enabled: This checkbox allows Lodgix to communicate updates to your website.
Properties will display a list of all enabled properties in Lodgix. Within this interface properties can be selected to display or not display on the selected website. Additionally for SEO purposes, permalinks can be set.
Categories Tab: This tab allows you to set which categories are displayed on your WordPress website. When a category is disabled, all properties belonging to the category are disabled too. If a property from the disabled category is enabled, then the category is also enabled. Note that subcategories can be disabled independently from parent categories.
Category: If there are any categories assigned to the property, they will display here.
Permalink: Set a custom URL for the property page created in WordPress.
Display on WordPress: Set which category you want to display on your site. This is especially useful if your inventory is split between multiple websites.