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Global Variables

Create variables that can be used throughout the application.

Brent Kleinheksel avatar
Written by Brent Kleinheksel
Updated over 2 years ago

A Global Variable has a static value and will remain the same anywhere it is used in the application. An example would be setting up a "Concierge" variable with the name of the Concierge, then including this variable in your guest correspondence. If the Concierge is replaced, rather than updating every piece of correspondence with the name of the new Concierge, you would simply update the Concierge variable and all correspondence would update immediately.

Settings > Custom Variables > Global Variables

Add Variable

Create Global Variable

  1. Name - This is the identifier that is used within Lodgix when adding a the variable as a merge tag in an email or PDF. For new variables, a default name will be prefilled. If edited, it will automatically be converted to upper case and CUSTOM will be added to the beginning.

  2. Description - This is the name of the field. For example, if the field is for a Concierge, the name might be "Concierge Name"

  3. Length - Length of the input field, measured in characters. Enter a higher number if you will be entering more data.

  4. Rows - This is the number of rows present in the input field. More rows are only necessary if you are adding a notes field or something with multiple sentences.

  5. Value - The content of the variable. For instance, a Concierge variable would have the concierge's name here.

Reference the new variable within triggers, templates and emails

There will be a merge tag for the new variable within all areas of the application where variables can be referenced. Inserting this variable into an email or pdf template will substitute the variable with the actual value. In our example, it would display the name of the Concierge.

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