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Booking Page Editor

Configure and customize the styling of your Lodgix booking page.

Brent Kleinheksel avatar
Written by Brent Kleinheksel
Updated over a year ago

The Lodgix booking pages can be customized via the Booking Page Editor to match the look and feel of any website, or to be more inline with a brand identity. This can be done from Settings > Booking Page Editor. The editor interface is very easy to use and requires no HTML or CSS knowledge.

Page Editor Interface

There are dozens of customization options available on the left side of this screen. You can upload your custom logo, set a custom color scheme, edit font styles, and control the placement of certain elements. The booking page preview on the right side of the screen will update in real time as you make your selections.

When you are satisfied with the preview, click the Publish button at the top of the screen to go live with your changes. You can also click the Reset button at any time to revert to the original style.

Additional Settings, Booking Page URL

  1. Allow Guest Quote Sharing: This allows Guest Generated Quotes

  2. Allow Coupon Codes: Show / Hide a field to enter a coupon code on the booking page.

  3. Require Message Field: Set the Message field to be required for form submission.

  4. Use Static Booking Notification Template: By default the Lodgix static booking notification email is sent to guest. It is nicely formatted but cannot be edited. If you prefer to send a custom, text only email you can deselect this option and configure your email template from Settings > Email.

  5. Scrollable Rental Agreement: Allows scrolling within the Rental Agreement display container, reducing the overall page scrolling.

  6. How Many Property Photos: Choose how many photos to display for your property on the booking page.

  7. Message Field Label: Customize the label in the Message field.

  8. Booking Page URL: This is the location of your booking page. You can send guests to this URL to book online, or use it yourself to preview and test the booking page.

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