Shared Guest Access
Shared guests have limited access and can only view the reservation they are associated with. If the primary guest has multiple reservations, the shared guest will only be able to see the specific reservation to which they are added.
What Shared Guests Can View:
Property details
Check-in and check-out information
Reservation-related details (Read Only)
What Shared Guests Cannot Access:
Inbox and messages
Payment details
Forms / Rental Agreements
Adding a Shared Guest
Only the primary guest can add a shared guest to a reservation in Staylio.
In Staylio, go to the "Shares" section from the main menu.
Click the "Add" icon at the bottom-right of the screen.
Enter the name and email address of the shared guest, then click "Create".
Important: Adding a shared guest does not automatically send a login email. To send a magic login link to the new shared guest, click the "Email" icon or use the three dots menu for additional options such as SMS, QR code, airdrop, etc.