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Airbnb Troubleshooting

Problems with the Airbnb channel?

Brent Kleinheksel avatar
Written by Brent Kleinheksel
Updated over 2 years ago

Help! My Airbnb reservation doesn't match my Lodgix invoice after the dates of the reservation have been changed (or the assigned property has changed).

Airbnb requires that any changes to the guest reservation must be done AT AIRBNB. The guest must accept the reservation change at Airbnb. Once accepted by the guest, Airbnb will notify Lodgix of the change and the invoice will adjust on Lodgix.

It is not possible to edit the dates (or reassign to a different property) of an Airbnb invoice on Lodgix for this reason. When the guest accepts the change Airbnb then reaches out to Lodgix to update the guest invoice, if the dates for the selected change are not available, an error will be generated and the update will not be accepted at Airbnb.

The dates will be then need to be cleared on Lodgix, and the reservation change request made again at Airbnb. Once the guest accepts the reservation change request, Airbnb will again attempt to update Lodgix with the changes. The changes should then go through and the Lodgix invoice will update to accurately reflect the change on Airbnb.

Why can't I cancel an Airbnb invoice on Lodgix?

Airbnb requires all cancellations to originate on their system. Once the cancellation is complete at Airbnb, Airbnb will reach out to Lodgix and cancel the invoice.

Lodgix does allow Airbnb invoices to be deleted on Lodgix. This WILL NOT cancel or delete the invoice on Airbnb.

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