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Visual Rate Tape (VRT)

Quickly override rates and rules in Lodgix

Brent Kleinheksel avatar
Written by Brent Kleinheksel
Updated over 2 weeks ago

The Visual Rates Tape (VRT) allows you to override rates and settings for specific days, across multiple properties. This allows you to update specific dates without affecting any other dates in the rate period.

Overview of the VRT

  1. Move the calendar to today's date.

  2. Choose a date to scroll to on the calendar.

  3. Open up the settings window.

  4. Revert the last change.

  5. Search and filter properties.

  6. Adjust the width of the property list.

  7. Once dates are selected, this panel will open up to allow you to adjust settings for the selected dates.

VRT Settings

  1. Click to open the Settings window

  2. Property Settings - Choose the property information to display on the calendar

  3. Cell Settings - Choose the settings to display in each cell. Options are as follows

    1. Nightly rates

    2. Minimum nights

    3. Close for arrival / departure - You can set certain days to not allow arrivals or departures. Guests can occupy the property, just not arrive and/or depart on those dates.

    4. Arrival/departure days - View the required arrival or departure days for each date range.

  4. Hotkeys - A list of important keyboard shortcuts.

VRT Cell Properties

  1. Nightly Rate - The nightly rate that you have set for that particular day.

  2. Minimum Night Rule - The minimum number of nights the guest must stay for reservations that start on that date.

  3. Arrival / Departure Day Rules - If you require a specific day of the week for arrival or departure that will be displayed here. Arrival is on the left and departure is on the right.

  4. Closed for Arrival / Departure - "A" represents arrival, and "D" represents departure. If the date is closed for arrival or departure the "A" or "D" will be highlighted in red.

  5. Reservations - The shaded date ranges on the calendar indicate that there is a reservation on the calendar for those dates.

* Note that any changes to the visual rates tape will be displayed in red text or highlighted in red. This includes nightly rates, minimum nights rules and arrival / departure rules. They will be displayed in red if they were manually changed on the VRT or if they were updated via an integration with a dynamic pricing tool.

Selecting Dates

Simply click and drag on the calendar to select dates. You can select multiple date ranges as shown in the video below. Note that once a property is selected, all dates selected will be highlighted for that property. Likewise once a date is selected, all properties selected will be highlighted for that date. It is not possible to select a date range for one group of properties, and a completely separate date range for a different set of properties.

Date Settings Panel

Once dates are selected on the VRT, this panel will open up to allow changes to the selected dates.

  1. Properties - Select properties to edit. This can also by done by clicking on the calendar.

  2. Nights - Select a date range or multiple date ranges to edit. This can also by done by clicking on the calendar. There are several settings on this card, which are explained in greater detail below.

  3. Nightly rate - Adjust the nightly rate for the selected date range(s). You can enter an updated flat rate, increase or decrease the rates by a percentage, or reset the rates to use the rates set at the property level.

  4. Minimum nights - Adjust the minimum night rule for the property, or reset the night to use the rule set at the property level.

5. Arrival - Close the selected dates for arrival, or open them if they were previously closed on the calendar.

6. Departure - Close the selected dates for departure, or open them if they were previously closed on the calendar.

7. Reset arrival day - Reset the arrival day rule, so that it will use the rule set at the property level in Lodgix. This is useful if the rule was changed by a dynamic pricing tool.

8. Reset departure day - Reset the arrival day rule, so that it will use the rule set at the property level in Lodgix. This is useful if the rule was changed by a dynamic pricing tool.

9. Clear - Clear any changes made in this panel

10. Save - Save the changes that were made in this panel.

Nights Card

  1. Click here to modify the currently selected date range.

  2. Add more nights - Add additional date ranges. For example you could select one week in November and one in December. There is no limit to the number of date ranges that can be selected, however every date range will apply to every property that is selected

  3. Add specific days - Select specific days of the week, for any date range (see below)

Select Specific Days

This can be used to select specific days of the week, for any date range. For example you could adjust weekend rates or rules by selecting Fridays and Saturdays for the next year.

  1. Choose the days of the week you want to edit (for example Friday and Saturday)

  2. Choose the date range (for example the next year)

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