File uploads allow you to upload documents that are frequently requested by guests and that you might like to include when communicating with a guest. These documents can then be included as attachments in manual emails to guests, and used in the triggers component of Lodgix. You can access the file upload interface from Settings > File Uploads
File Uploads Interface
Click to upload a new document
Filename: The name of the file that was uploaded
Description: Custom name you assign when uploading
Rental Property: Property to which the document is assigned (more on this below)
Category: Assign the document to a category
Delete: Remove the property from your account
Any .doc or .pdf file can be uploaded to the application. If your filename contains any characters, commas or symbols (&, @, or others), it will generate an error. Please make sure your file name does not include any extra spaces or characters including any foreign language characters.
Assigning a File to a Property
Files can be assigned to a specific property, for use with the Trigger component of the application. This is useful if a separate PDF is required for each property. For example, each property may have a unique information sheet that is provided to the guest. You can assign the file to a property when first uploading the file, or directly from the file list as shown above.
Note that each file can only be assigned to one property, and each property can only have one file assigned to it.
Manually Adding an Uploaded File to a Trigger
Uploaded files can be included as attachments in trigger emails. The option "Document (Chosen by Invoice)" will attach the file that has been assigned to the property for which the trigger is firing. If the invoice contains multiple properties, the Document for each property on the invoice will be attached.
Adding an Uploaded File via the Send Message Window
Uploaded files can be also attached to manual emails sent from the Correspondence tab of the guest control panel, or the Guest Correspondence panel of the edit invoice screen.