Taxes need to be set up by breaking out each individual tax. This way, your taxes can be reported correctly. Additionally, many areas only require the collection of certain tax on short-term rentals. When a reservation exceeds the taxing authorities definition of a short-term rental, it becomes a long-term rental and certain taxes are either reduced or no longer have to be collected. See below for an illustration.
Settings > Inventory > Deposit / Fees / Services / Taxes
Click on the Taxes Tab
When there are no current taxes defined, an Add Tax button will be present...
If there are existing taxes defined, then click the "+" icon located to the far right of any existing tax, which will trigger the window to add a new tax...
Configuring the Tax
Name the tax
Assign a value
Choose percent or fixed
If conditional, then choose the rate of the tax, after X of nights. For example, for many areas, when a stay exceeds 30 days the tax is no longer collected.
Important! Choose the type of tax as this will be used in reporting, quickbooks, etc.
Add the Tax to Properties
Select the tax
Add to All properties or
Add to individual properties
The arrow shows how the table can be manipulated to show which properties the tax is assigned to (or not assigned).