Common Error Messages & To Do Items
The sync kicks out some common error messages. Almost all errors will result from incorrect account mappings or incorrect class mappings. We've outlined a few of them below with some suggestions on how to resolve.
Business Validation Error: Unexpected Internal Error. (-30000)
If Payments are mapped to an incorrect Quickbooks file, an error will appear saying "You need to select a different type of account for this transaction". But if that wrong payment account is in particular an "Accounts Receivable (A/R)" account, then you will get the Unexpected Internal Error. (-30000).
Invoice "Payments" must be mapped to the account where guest payments are deposited (e.g. Cash on Hand or Cash in Bank are most popular.)
Invalid_Database Error or App_Already_Purchased Error
Rule #1:ย
Only one (1) QBO user can connect to the Lodgix sync. If any other QBO user attempts to connect to the Lodgix sync, they will get an error either the app_already_purchased error or the invalid_database error.
Here is a scenario:
You setup your accountant as a user within Quickbooks Online and your accountant uses his / her account to sync to Lodgix. Later you decide to switch accountants and you remove your accountant as a user from Quickbooks Online. Your accountant MUST login to their Intuit account, go the Apps area (left menu, at the very bottom), click on the My Apps link and disconnect from the Lodgix app. See next step. It is a good idea NEVER to allow your accountant to use their account to sync with Lodgix.
Disconnecting a QBO User from the Lodgix Sync App
If the user is still a valid user within the QBO account, the user can login to QBO and disconnect their account from Lodgix.
If the user has been removed from the QBO account, the user will have to login to:
and disconnect from the Lodgix app from within the My Apps area of the Intuit App Center.
To Do Items (4/17/2015)
Considerations for the QuickBooks sync:
Stale Invoices
1. If an object (Guest, Invoice, etc) is updated at QuickBooks Online, it may cause that object to be stale (out of sync) and won't sync any longer with Lodgix.
2. If an object (Guest, Account, Class, etc) is deleted at QuickBooks Online , it may cause related objects to fail to insert/delete.
I say it may, because the sync is smart enough to deal with some situations.
Another cause of stale objects is when Lodgix raises an exception after the invoice is created remotely, but before saving the new sync token. This is usually our fault and we have to deal with it case by case. We are notified via email when this happens. The correct way to fix a stale invoice would be manually. If we find cases like this (and we most likely will find them), we will try to make a script that corrects the invoices. Because despite not having direct access to the subscriber quickbooks account, we can access it through the API from our production server as long as QuickBooks is configured.
The problem with stale invoices are that they can intended to be stale by the subscriber or they can be stale as a result of a bug or user error. If subscriber makes a change on QuickBooks and doesn't want it overwritten, then a stale invoice is OK. But if it's product of a bug or if the subscriber made a mistake, then being stale is not OK.
And to complicate things further a global setting is somewhat limiting. Subscriber may want to correctly ignore some stale objects and correctly overwrite others. Probably we will need a tab named Stale Objects, which lists objects (Invoices, Guests, etc) that were stale on the last run and allows to choose if object should be permanently ignored or overwritten, being in sync again.
Fee Reporting
Problem: Currently Fees are all reported under one category "Fees"
James: If its possible for the "product/service" to be unique for each fee that would definitely make the reporting in QB a lot better. With the current system, the user would have to use the cleaning report in lodgix to get that information.
James : The fees would be linked to "items" aka "product/services". The items then flow through to expense/cogs accounts on the p&l.
Non-sync related PM items
On the property management company side the only other things that users could use is:
Owners balances
---> one cool potential feature related to this would be lodgix giving the option to automatically sync bills to quickbooks for the amounts due to the property owner at the end of the month. Then the quickbooks user would create bill payments when they pay the owners and those bill payments would sync over to Lodgix and tie into the running owners balance. It would only take 5 minutes to print all the checks to their owners! And the owner could logon to their portal and see their running balance