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Migrating Document Templates

Migrate your existing documents to our new, enhanced visual editor.

Joseph Alvaro avatar
Written by Joseph Alvaro
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Our new visual editor offers several improvements. These include an updated, easier to use interface that provides significantly better and more uniform styling and spacing. Existing email templates can be migrated to the new interface by following the steps below.

Documents Interface

The documents interface can be found from the main navigation under Settings > Documents. In this example we will be migrating the Default Invoice template.

  1. You should be in the Report Templates tab

  2. There will be a message alerting you to migrate your existing templates

  3. This column will show the migration status of each template

  4. The Default Invoice Template has not yet been migrated

  5. Click the Edit icon to migrate the template

Migrating a Template

Once you click the Edit icon, you will see the Edit Report Template screen.

  1. Make sure you are on the Migrate Template tab

  2. There will likely be a message that there is an issue with your current HTML

  3. Click the Auto Fix HTML button

  4. Click Save

You will be notified that the new migrated template will replace the existing template. Click the OK button...

Once you click OK, you will no longer see the Migrate Template tab, and will only see the new Edit Report interface...

The documents interface will now show the template as having been migrated...

Edit Report Template Interface

Click here for more details about the functionality of this new interface and visual editor.

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