Adding Fees to an Invoice

How to add predefined, one time, or pet fees to an invoice.

Brent Kleinheksel avatar
Written by Brent Kleinheksel
Updated over a week ago

When adding a fee to an invoice, either predefined fees or one time fees can be used.

In most cases, predefined fees are preferable. Predefined fees can be customized and/or set to flow through to owner statements. For reporting purposes, predefined fees can be broken out to report on each fee, while one time fees are all grouped together.

Both methods are reviewed in detail below.

Create Predefined Fees

Fees can be created from Settings > Deposit/Fees/Services/Taxes > Fees. Complete instructions on configuring fees and assigning them to properties can be found here.

For this example we have created a cleaning fee.

Assign the Predefined Fees to an Invoice

From the invoice edit screen...

  1. Click the "+" icon to add a new fee to the invoice. You will be presented with a dropdown from which you can choose from all predefined fees assigned to the property.

  2. Optionally customize the fee tax settings for this particular invoice.

  3. If necessary, adjust the fee amount for this particular invoice.

Assign a One Time Fee to an Invoice

One time fees can be added directly to an invoice from the invoice edit screen. They do not need to be predefined, however they are not tracked for reporting purposes. To add a predefined fee from the invoice edit screen...

  1. Click the "Click to add a one time fee" link.

  2. Configure the fee name.

  3. Configure the tax status of the fee.

  4. Set the fee amount.

Adding Pet Fees to an Invoice

Pet fees must be setup and defined within all pet friendly properties. Setup instructions are here. Once that is done adding a pet fee to an invoice is easy.

Note: Pet fees can be added manually to an invoice as "one time fees" by typing in the name of the fee and defining the fee amount. However doing it this way doesn't allow you to report on the amount of pet fees collected for any given period. It's better to define the fee and the add the fee as described below...

  1. Click the "+" icon to add a new fee to the invoice. You will be presented with a dropdown from which you can choose from all predefined fees assigned to the property. Choose to add your pet fee.

  2. Set the number of pets.

  3. Optionally customize the fee tax settings for this particular invoice.

  4. If necessary, adjust the fee amount for this particular invoice.

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